Small animals are not as innocent as they look, and they are among the last things you want on your roof. Since the temperatures are getting warmer, many of these creatures will be coming out of hibernation. Moreover, once they gain access to your roof, they can end up damaging your chimney.
Getting Chimney Liners: What You Need to Know
Chimney liners have been part of building requirements since the early 1900s. But surprisingly enough, there are still modern homes that ignore standard practices and omit such a crucial feature. This can be dangerous as it can cause greater risks for a potential house fire or something even worse.
Why Is It Dangerous to Have a Cracked Chimney Flue?
Your chimney flue is one of the most important parts of your chimney as it facilitates over several important functions that directly affects the safety and performance of your chimney. Any kind of damage to this component can present urgent safety risks that need to be addressed immediately to prevent further issues from occurring.
Signs That Your Chimney Has Been Damaged by a Storm
When a storm passes through your area, every part of your home’s exterior can be affected, especially those with openings that lead into your home. Since the chimney is the highest point of your home, it’s most likely to be damaged by strong winds, heavy rain and lightning during a weather event. Small problems caused […]
Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Efflorescence on Your Chimney
White stains often form on chimneys due to excessive moisture. When water has seeped into the masonry, a residue called efflorescence forms. This problem affects more than just the appearance of your chimney. It’s often a sign that the structural integrity of your chimney has been compromised.