Your chimney withstands various weather elements year-round. Rainwater, melting ice and snow, and moisture can be particularly damaging as water can seep in between the bricks. Over time, spalling can occur and damage the surfaces of the brick or stone. You’ll see it peeling, flaking or popping. In some cases, the brick can also fall […]
What Should You Do if Lightning Strikes Your Chimney?
Lightning tends to strike the tallest grounded structure in the immediate area, which in some cases, happens to be a house’s chimney. Today, we discuss what happens when lightning strikes a chimney, and what you should do about it.
4 Home Maintenance Tasks to Complete Before Fall
The fall season officially begins in a few weeks’ time, which makes it the perfect time to prepare your home for the colder days ahead. Here are some home maintenance tasks you should complete before the fall season begins.
Top Causes of Chimney Cracks
Have you ever noticed cracks near your chimney’s masonry? If you did, you might wonder what could’ve caused your chimney to sustain damage as well as how this issue can be treated. In this post, the top chimney relining and maintenance specialist, Chimney Doctors, shares the top causes of chimney cracks here.
3 Ways Water Can Damage Your Chimney
Water is one of the most devastating enemies of chimneys. Since masonry materials – such as brick, stone and concrete – used to build chimneys are porous, these exterior components are highly susceptible to water-related damage. Here’s how water can affect your chimney.