According to chimney masonry repair pros, your chimney and its flue don’t just add further architectural interest to your home. In fact, they’re also meant to safely carry your fireplace’s dangerous flue gases away from your property, allowing you to use your fireplace to warm up your home on a cold winter night safely. Unfortunately, however, if […]
Getting Chimney Liners: What You Need to Know
Chimney liners have been part of building requirements since the early 1900s. But surprisingly enough, there are still modern homes that ignore standard practices and omit such a crucial feature. This can be dangerous as it can cause greater risks for a potential house fire or something even worse.
Preparing Your Gas Fireplace for Winter
With winter just right around the corner, you can expect to have warm nights in front of your gas fireplace. But if you haven’t even cleaned your fireplace for the upcoming season, you’ll likely end up with smoke and soot everywhere. This is why it’s important to prepare your fireplace properly.
Common Causes of Leaning Chimneys
Do not mistake a leaning or tilting chimney for anything but an urgent situation. It is a common sign of serious structural problems and requires professional repair as soon as possible. It is important to thoroughly consider the clues in order to determine the root cause of your crooked structure.
Common Reasons Behind Leaking Chimneys
Chimneys are more than just brick or stone columns; they’re designed with different components and pieces that make it an essential part of any home. Whether they’re old or new, they should function properly with proper maintenance and care. However, there are times when a chimney will have serious problems that eventually lead to more […]